Payment Receipt Template

Payment receipt templates are perfect for small business professionals that are looking to provide a written statement as proof of payment to the buyer while finalizing a transaction. Download and customize your payment receipts now!

Download Payment Receipts for Excel, Word or PDF




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Instructions for Use: Payment Receipts

Here are some instructions to start using this printable payment receipt:

1. Replace “Company Name / Logo” with your organization name
2. Fill-in all the empty fields on the form
3. Calculate the subtotals and total amount due
4. Print & send the invoice to your client

These invoices are used by professionals to easily bill their client and collect the payment after work is done. They also serve as a form of receipt for their client in lieu of the services rendered.

As a best practice, it is always a good idea to include your payment instructions and expected due date in order to ensure you get paid quickly. If you’re looking for something else, try out more templates from the sidebar.